Sunday, November 27, 2011

Blog Newbee!!!

I have been meaning to do this for awhile.  Mostly as a way to update my mom on photos I take and things going on in my life here in Bellingham, Washington.  I believe that you can not have too many adventures in life and you can never stop learning.  Right now my passion for learning involves fiber arts.  The last six months I have learned to spin my own yarn on a drop spindle, kick spindle, and now a spinning wheel....I have also learned to weave and needle felt. 

My first big multimedia project was a table runner from my mother.  I spun the wool on a drop spindle and kick spindle.  The wool came from Potluck Roving out of Ferndale Washington.  The color name is paradise. Here is what the yarn looked like.

Then on my Cricket Loom I wove the runner using the yarn I made as the weft and a cotton as the warp.  Originally I was going to make myself a scarf...but I miss judged the final a table runner was born.  Then I decided that it looked too plain so I needle felted a scene that reminded me of my mother.
I really enjoy needle is like sculpting but not. She of course loves it...but she loves everything I do because she is an awesome mom!!!

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